Our Executive Committee is made up of 7-10 officers representing LBEG members who make sure that our objectives are met and set the agenda for our meetings
Chris has been an energy management professional since 2012, having followed and unusual path to his current role as Energy Manager at the City of Westminster. With a background in Sociology, Chris entered the energy industry as a data administrator at an undisclosed energy management bureau service provider looking after a variety of public and private sector clients. This platform eventually provided him the opportunity to enter the world of London Borough energy management, becoming CRC Coordinator (2014), then Energy Officer (2016) at the London Borough of Hounslow. Chris became Energy Manager at Westminster - and subsequently a committee member of LBEG - in February 2018 and some of his primary responsibilities include – but are by no means limited to - the procurement of electricity, gas and water supplied to operational assets, energy efficiency / conservation initiatives, utility invoice validation, ensuring compliance with legislation, and energy strategy / policy development.
Graeme has worked in energy management roles for the last 21 years, including roles in the food industry, facilities management and more recently in local authority. In 2020 he joined the City of London as Energy and Carbon manager, and brings a wealth of experience working in the public sector energy and carbon fields for 17 years. Prior to the City of London, Graeme worked at Islington Council for 15 years in a variety of roles culminating in Energy Operations Manager. During his time he built up extensive experience in delivering innovative energy projects. Graeme manages a team whose remit includes the monitoring and targeting of the Corporation's property portfolio, compliance and supporting the delivery of the Carbon Action and Net Zero Carbon objectives. Graeme joined the LBEG committee in 2018.
Shaun Spencer joined the LBEG committee in 2018. With a background in electrical installations and sound engineering, Shaun has been with London Borough of Hackney since 2006 as a Technical Administrator for the Energy Management Unit. He developed his knowledge by managing the energy contracts for the Hackney Estate and has successfully implemented energy and waste saving projects, seeing the council through significant periods of change as well as a 'Shared Service' with LB Haringey. Shaun is currently Hackney's Energy Account Officer, managing the energy contracts for the supply of gas, electricity and water and the ongoing dialogue between the LB Hackney and the energy industry.
Saeed has been working in the energy field since 1996. He joined London Borough of Harrow in January 2004 as a SEO and then as Harrow’s Energy Manager from 2006, having spent 8 year in the private sector as an Energy Consultant. Saeed’s current responsibilities at Harrow Council include developing the Council’s climate change strategy, managing energy initiatives and projects, energy and water contracts, renewable solutions, M&T, statutory reports and raising awareness of 463 Council owned properties including 60 schools. Saeed joined the LBEG in 2005 and the LBEG committee in 2014. He graduated with an MSc in Energy & Conservation in 1996, from which he started his professional energy career.
Gonzalo is a Mechanical Engineer who has been working as an Energy Manager since 2008 after doing his MSc. in Energy and Environment. He currently works for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. His role as energy manager role has a very wide scope, alternating from energy procurement and financial responsibilities to engineering and carbon management work, as well as a considerable amount of work around legislation and compliance.
Andy started his career in 1990 as an energy engineering undergraduate sponsored by a large facilities management company (Matthew Hall). On graduation Andy worked within Matthew Hall’s energy management department procuring energy and operating Energy Performance Contracts for large clients across the UK. In 1995 Andy moved to the City of London Corporation, saving and procuring energy for the City portfolio including the Guildhall, Tower Bridge, The Barbican Estate and Centre and City Police stations. While at The City Andy chaired LBEG for a number of years and has sat on the committee ever since. Andy Moved to Kent County Council in 2003 to develop Kent’s own energy activities and support other Councils in the LASER Energy group. At LASER Andy developed one of the first SALIX revolving funds which has now invested £30M in energy saving projects, the M&T bureau, energy surveying services, water procurement framework, LED lighting frameworks as well as siting on LASER’s senior management team supporting all areas of LASER’s work.
Martin is an experienced energy manager with a specialism in healthcare. He previously worked in the private sector heading-up a team of energy and sustainability consultants that provided support primarily to the NHS; this has resulted in a focus upon cost improvement coupled-with reducing carbon emissions. Martin’s experience lies in the statutory compliance, the assessment of complex property portfolio’s energy consumption and the identification of potential energy saving opportunities. As part of his energy management career, Martin has worked with in excess of twenty NHS trusts, numerous universities as well as private sector organisations. Martin embraces the opportunity to learn from the experience of the LBEG and feels his perspective is also of value to it’s members.